First family paints walls at local middle school 歐巴馬總統全家到一所初中畫壁畫

President Obama and his family are commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with a service event at a Washington, D.C., middle school, and are urging other Americans to give time as well.
“This is just a outstanding program, an example of what Martin Luther King’s birthday should be all about,” Obama told volunteers.

歐巴馬總統一家人到華府的一所初中畫壁晝來慶祝金恩博士的生日, 並鼓勵其他美國人奉獻時間做公義.

歐巴馬告訴志工這是一個有意義的活動, “慶祝金恩博士的生日就應該如此”

Jefferson Honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in a Day of Service

On January 16, 2012, Jefferson School held a day of community service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King was a famous civil rights leader in the US. Over 50 volunteers and community members along with 20 students painted 25 murals to inspire and motivate our students in honor of Dr. King who believed that education was essential and all people should be given the same opportunities in life. This was Jefferson School’s second community mural project with the first being held on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
