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4 responses

  1. Dear Students,

    I am glad to see you save your allowance to help those students in need. As the Grand Master always encourages us, “Many drops of water make a reiver and many grains of rice make a bushel”. With great love from everyone like you, we will certainly do more good deeds to help others in need as well as to encourage them to bring out their love to help others as well. This is the cycle of love to continue and last…

    With love,


    好感恩你們化行動為愛的力量來助人, 也分享你們的助人精神。 請繼續加油。
    師公上人鼓勵我們, “粒米成籮,滴水成河”,每個人都可以是須彌山下的小螞蟻共同合心拹力成就更多和更大的善事。Jefferson小學也響應慈濟為311日本大海嘯而募款。 全校學生捐出他們的零用錢(4/1/12 到4/30/12)。

    師姑 慈禕

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