2013.05.04孝親感恩日(Mother’s Day Celebration)

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【孝親感恩養育情 浴足奉茶報親恩】—臺南慈濟高中小學部孝親感恩日
Be Filial to Parents for Their Raising and Nurturing – Mother’s Day Celebration at Tainan Tzu Chi HS Elementary Department

1st photo – 大愛媽媽劇場-行善行孝不能等
Da Ai Play – Must not put off doing good deeds and acting filial

2nd photo – 孩子們唱出「小小的樹」,也唱出了自信的自己。
Sing the song of “Small Trees” with love and confidence

3rd photo – 看見孩子們長大懂事,不禁流下感動的淚水。
The parents are moved to tears after seeing their children growing up
4th photo – 孩子們細心、溫柔地餵媽媽吃湯圓。
Students are gently feeding their parents with sticky rice balls

5th photo – 透過「浴足禮」,孩子們觸摸到父母那雙為自己辛勤奔走的腳。
Through washing feet, the students personally touched their parents’ feet weathering through the tough time in life

6th photo – 奉上一杯茶,再獻上我最誠摯的祝福。
Serve tea with utmost sincere blessings
7th photo – 和孩子一同來參加的爸爸受到感動,也幫媽媽按摩背膀。
Being moved by their children, fathers also give mothers a shoulder massage

On May 4th, we held a special celebration to express our utmost sincere gratitude to the parents for working hard to raise and nurture their children. This year’s celebration was unique and different from the past since it was designed together by the Elementary Department teachers. Although the day before the event was cloudy and drizzling, we were so delighted that this day was beautiful. We were so grateful that our prayer for a nice day was answered.

“Hello, Baba and Mama, please come this way.” A simple greeting immediately warmed the parents’ hearts. The teachers friendly guided the parents to the audio-video room to sit down. “Good morning, dear parents!” Principal Zeng sincerely welcomed each and all of the parents, then kicked off the celebration by giving a preview of the heart-warming program.

The play, “Must not put off doing good deeds and acting filial,” opened the program. This play which was carefully scripted and vividly performed by Da Ai mothers was truly touching. Many parents were moved to tears. It made them wonder whether they had been cherishing their parents’ love in their childhood.

Next, the champions of this year’s sign language performance came on stage by grade to perform. The parents smiled with tears in their eyes when they saw the second grade class of Contentment performing the sign language of “Small Trees” conducted by Teacher Enjia. They were so proud to see their children growing to small trees from saplings and being strong and confident on stage. The last performance of “the Most Beautiful Smile” was presented by the fourth grade class of Harmony. Their affectionate expression genuinely touched the audience.

Following the performance are “Serving Tea”, “Washing Feet” and “Group Games.” These activities were designed for the students to show love and gratitude to their parents and to enhance their relationships with their parents. When the senior class served hot tea to their parents with love and respect, their parents genuinely felt loved and warm as they were drinking tea. During the “Washing Feet” activity, the students appreciated more of their parents’ hard working when they personally touched their feet weathering through the tough time in life. Many parents were moved to tears as their children were tenderly washing their feet. The finale of the program was the sign language performance of “Mother’s Hands” presented by the lower class, the song of “My Darling” sung by the middle classes, and the song of “Raining” sung by the senior class. All the parents were so touching by the kind and soft melody. When the singers gently held the hands of their parents and affectionately looked at their parents, they truly stole their parents’ hearts.

Jingwen Peng (彭經文) in the 5th grade class of Understanding came with his parents and grandmother to the celebration. His father said, “I am glad that the school fosters an environment allowing him to develop to a calm and balanced child. The school pays attention to understand him and properly guide him to learn and behave. Jingwen is a sensitive and curious child, he would be suppressed and restrained if he attended other schools.

Kaiting Zheng (張愷庭)in the 6th grade class of Gratitude who came to this event with her mother commented, “I think that ‘Washing Feet’ is actually more meaningful than doing some trivial house chores to show filial piety to our parents. I learned a more tangible way to make my mother happy as a filial daughter.” Kaiting’s mother said, “Giving her an environment to guide her in the right direction is better than satisfying her material desires. I am so pleased and grateful that the School focuses on teaching the humanistic culture and training the students’ minds.”

“The wind blows when the tree wants to be still; parents are gone when children can care for them.” To gracefully thank our parents for their bringing up, we must not only put our filial piety into action, but also do it now. Time flies while we are having fun. Although the two-hour program was short, it truly touched each and all in the audience, the parents, the teachers and the students.

照 片:張紹元、陳天和攝
Photo by: Shaoyuan Zheng, Tenhe Chen
Written by: Shaoyuan Zheng
報 導:臺南慈中國民小學部 教務處
Reported by: Dean’s Office, Tainan Tzu Chi HS Elementary Department






親身體驗 環保紮根





愛惜物命 影響全家


父母身教 鼓勵孩子




懺悔即清淨 發願即有福
